Patients of different ethnic backgrounds have different facial features and, therefore, different aesthetic concerns. Patients of Asian descent can have a few unique facial features, including a nose that has a wider, flatter nasal bridge, wider nostrils, and is set deeper in their face. If you are unhappy with the shape or size of your nose, you will want a plastic surgeon who understands how to enhance your appearance without losing your natural ethnic facial characteristics.
Dr. Narasimhan knows the special techniques required to make cosmetic changes to the faces of various ethnicities. You will first meet with him to discuss your concerns and ideal changes. He might suggest getting an Asian rhinoplasty in Tampa. It can be difficult to see how changing one part of your face will affect other areas, but we can help by showing you a simulation of what will change from the surgery.
If you are of a certain ethnic background, you may wish to retain your unique facial features so that you do not feel that you have traded your physical identity for vanity. You can still maintain those unique features while also making some improvements. We understand that a Caucasian nose job will not work for those who are not Caucasian. After all, you want a nose that still looks like it belongs on your face. Having plastic surgery should not undermine your ethnic identity. Dr. Narasimhan, understands this and knows how to create the specific, ethnically appropriate changes.
Due to the unique traits of the Asian face, an Asian nose job is more challenging. Luckily, our cosmetic surgeon in Tampa knows just what to do. The average Caucasian rhinoplasty involves decreasing the height of the bridge of the nose, but the average Asian rhinoplasty involves adding to the nasal bridge. Many of the techniques used in Asian cosmetic surgery are not well documented and must be learned from other experienced surgeons.
You might wonder if certain augmentations are even possible with an Asian face. At our Tampa practice, we can target a variety of goals with an Asian rhinoplasty and achieve changes such as:
We can refine the tip of your nose if you feel you want a nose that is less flat or bulky.
Raising the height of your nasal bridge can be done by cartilage grafting or through the addition of a small implant. This will give your nose a narrower appearance.
When raising the height of your nasal bridge will not create enough narrowing of your nasal appearance, you may also want to make your nostrils smaller.
We can also correct a crooked nasal bridge or a hump on your bridge. Because of his training in otolaryngology, Dr. Narasimhan can also correct problems such as a deviated septum while making the cosmetic changes you desire.
While this surgery is done for both men and women, women will like how making the nose slimmer and less prominent can give a more feminine look to their faces. For men, there are correct ways to keep the nose masculine appearing while still decreasing its width.
This can be when the need for a change involving your nose can surprise you. The nose plays a key role as the center of your face. Changing its appearance can balance previously unbalanced facial features that you have been focused on.
Whether you think of this, or not, being happy with your appearance can improve your self-confidence. You will be putting your best face forward in every situation.
Rhinoplasty surgery is routinely done with local anesthesia. If you are exceptionally nervous about your Asian nasal procedure, our Tampa team can give you IV sedation to help calm your nerves. After your surgery, you will rest briefly before going home. You will also want someone to drive you home after your procedure, especially if you receive IV sedation during surgery.
Once home, you will focus on recovery. For at least two days you should plan on resting. You will most likely feel fatigued and should not jump back into your usual routine. Try to plan ahead in terms of projects and work that must get done prior to the surgery. Your body will heal best when you can take it easy around your home and sneak in extra nap time.
You will have mild swelling and bruising around your nose and under your eyes. We suggest using cool packs in these areas, as they help decrease the swelling and bruising. If you feel like you have lost your ability to smell, do not worry. Your sense of smell will return as your nose heals. You will have to wait to see the full results of your surgery until after the swelling is completely gone. This can take up to six months though most of the swelling fades quickly within the first several weeks.
While we do not want you to resume your regular exercise routine immediately, we do want you to walk. Gentle walks will help keep your whole body functioning better and will not disturb your nose while it is healing.
You must decide when you will return to work. People who work from home may return to work within a week after surgery. Others, especially those working with the public, may want to wait until most of the swelling and bruising is gone at about two weeks.
Whether you know that your nose is the problem or you just do not like your facial appearance, you need to make an appointment to see Dr. Narasimhan. He will listen carefully to your concerns, then make suggestions as to what he can do to meet your aesthetic goals. Changing your nose may play a central role in improving your overall image, as well as your breathing. Call us today to schedule an initial consultation for an Asian Rhinoplasty in Tampa.