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Tummy Tuck–How it works and Dr. Narasimhan’s preferred technique!

Abdominoplasty, or Tummy Tuck, is one of the most sought after procedures in plastic surgery.  It consistently ranks in the top 5 of plastic surgery procedures in the United States, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgery and American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.  Tummy Tuck also, when done appropriately and aesthetically can have one the highest satisfaction rates of any plastic surgery procedure.  This is one of Dr. Narasimhan’s most common procedures.

Why Abdominoplasty?

Abdominoplasty or Tummy Tuck is a great operation for any patient who desires improvement in the shape of the waist, removal of excess skin and fat deposits in the abdomen.  Perfects candidates are often women who have undergone pregnancy and have loose skin and muscle (rectus diastasis) .  Women and men who have undergone considerable weight loss or skin laxity are also good candidates–as exercise and diet alone will not address skin excess.

What are the three main components to address in abdominoplasty?  Dr. Narasimhan breaks it down anatomically into these three areas…

  1. Skin
    1. Skin is often the main complaint patients have in regards to their tummy.  Loose skin is often folding over the pubic area is common, as well as stretch marks and in women C-section scars can also be present.  Skin removal involves an incision in the pubic area at the level of hairline or below.  A LOW abdominoplasty scar is important for patients who frequent the beach, or wear a 2 piece bathing suit.  Dr. Narasimhan ideally wants the scar to be below the underwear line and non visible
  2. Fat
    1. The second component is fat.  Fat deposits can be especially hard to address in the trunk or flank area, and liposuction is the mainstay of tummy tuck techniques.  Dr. Narasimhan performs power assisted liposuction on all his abdominoplasty patients to contour the waist, slim, and corset the sides.  This is fine precision procedure and liposculpting is often a better term.  Liposculpting will also often include suctioning of the sides and back and for a total 360 degree improvement.
  3. Muscle
    1. Muscle is also very important in tummy tuck.  With pregnancy the uterus expands the abdominal muscles and creates a rectus diastasis.  This is a separation of the muscles and is aesthetically repaired by stitching the muscles and fascia (connective tissue) together.  The corsets the abdomen, brings in the waist, and can tighten and flatten the abdominal, especially on the side view.

Abdominoplasty is a complex procedure but can have high patient satisfaction! Check on our these before and after photos of Dr. Narasimhan’s patients…

Two series of before and after photographs of patients with loose skin, muscle laxity, and fat excess treated treated with tummy tuck procedure..

If you are interested in a proper tummy tuck performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon then consult Dr. Narasimhan in Tampa Bay, Florida.

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